The church has many responsibilities, including evangelism, education, stewardship, service and loving our neighbors, but it also has an obligation to foster quality relationships within the church, not only with our Lord, but with one another. There is only so much the fellowship we share on Sunday mornings can do to bind us together. A much more effective means to transform our congregation into a family and realize Paul's analogy of the church body is that of small groups.

Men's Ministry:
Inspires All men and boys of the church to become mature Christians and committed to mission work. The work of the brotherhood is accomplished through shared and collective implementation of the brotherhood.

Young Adult Ministry:
Equip, develop, and encourage men and women ages 18 - 25 to develop and build lives that impact both the church and the communities in which they live and work.
Ladies Auxiliary Ministry:
Inspires all women to become fully devoted to God through Bible lessons, missions service, workshops, and other activities. Open to all women 18 and above.
Youth & Children Ministry:
The mission of our volunteers is to encourage students to openly love God and one another while equipping them to serve others, and spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Choir Ministry:
Do you like to sing? You are invited to join the F.G.M.B.C. choir. Our choir is a welcoming, supportive community who sing in the church to make a joyful noise before God. They are spirit-filled; they lift their voices in celebration of song to give all honor to Jesus through their ministry. Because our choir draws singers of all levels, you can always find a strong voice to be your “buddy” and help you along the way. Or you could become another strong voice to encourage others. The choir sings in our 11:00 a.m. worship service and Sunday evening 7:00 p.m. service, and other scheduled events and services through the year. Choir rehearsals are Thursday evenings from 6:30 - 8:00 p.m. weekly.